What is BBG?
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BBG (https://bbgx.io) finds an optimal liquidity pool and provides easy access for LP providers.
BBG LP SCANNER provides a guide for LP providers to estimate the optimal rate of return with just a few basic inputs.
LP providers can make optimal LP supply by referring to various guides provided by BBG LP SCANNER without having to make complex and difficult settings such as price range, deposit period, price volatility, token pair selection, etc.
With BBG swaps, users can easily acquire the tokens they want and utilize them for liquidity provide.
With BBG CONNEC2, users can convert their Web2-based points into Web3 tokens for a variety of uses.
BBG Wallet keeps your assets safe and secure.
BBG LP SCANNER Performs Quantitative Analysis And Provides Optimized LP Supply Guides After Users Enter Their provide liquidity Amount, provide liquidity Appetite, And Expected Return
With BBG LP SCANNER, users can easily supply LPs and get optimal yields.
Users can easily obtain token pairs for LP supply through BBG SWAP.
The user exchanges Web2-based points for Web3-based token A via BBG CONNEC2.
The user exchanges Token A for Token B via BBG SWAP.
Token A and Token B are used to supply LPs using BBG LP SCANNER.
The BBG platform allows users to easily provide liquidity their Web2-based points and earn profits.
BBG WALLET provides a strong security environment for BBG SCANNER, BBG SWAP, and BBG CONNEC2.